Prices of Pesticide Technical Rise after Spring Festival

Publish time: 10th February, 2011      Source: CCM
Information collection and data processing:  CCM     For more information, please contact us

      Guangzhou China Feb. 10, 2011 - Prices of pesticide technicals will rise after the Spring Festival. Supply of raw materials after the Spring Festival is the key to the market trend of pesticide technicals in the future. Large-scale formulation manufactures will reserve adequate technicals, which ensure the normal operation of production. However, formulation manufactures without technical reserve will feel the pressure from shortage of technicals. Inadequate supply of technicals leads to price increase. After the Spring Festival, it is the time of golden season for pesticides to sell in domestic market, and the price tendency will continue to decide the whole pesticide market this year.




      Moreover, the pesticide market is also influenced by severe weather this year. The weather is quite extraordinary in the past few weeks. Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Sichuan are affected by low temperature, great snow and frost, except Yunnan and Guizhou Province. Pest and weeds outbreaks in South China will be delayed one or two weeks. On the other hand, the insecticide and herbicide market will have an explosive growth due to the extraordinary weather.




      The demand of pesticides will decrease, for it is estimated that plant diseases and insect pests will not be too serious this year. Therefore, the market of pesticides will be hard in 2011. 






      Source: CCM International